
Welcome to the Munchkins and the Military sponsor page! The main focus of this blog is my life as a stay at home mom of two toddlers and Army wife. I post about life in general, recipes, reviews, and occasionally a craft. In the past year or so that this page has existed, the audience has grown significantly to include fellow military wives, moms, and craft blogs. Thank you for stopping by!

Munchkins and the Military is PR friendly. (:

I would love the opportunity to work with you! I can be reached at: armywifemommylife@gmail.com

Blog Stats (as of August 1, 2014):

Weekly Posts: 3-6
Daily Page Views (avg): 388 450+
Unique Monthly Visitors: 2,210 7,536+
Bloglovin' Followers: 848 1,278
Twitter Followers: 2,099 2,660
Facebook Followers: 605 1,181
Pinterest Followers: 682 1,370
Instagram Followers: 798 1,187