Monday, August 18, 2014

One Month

My tiniest munchkin is a whole month old today! When I weighed her yesterday, she was exactly nine pounds. I swear, time has flown by, but not without a few obstacles. I'm sure most of you already know that we spent the weekend in the hospital with Juliana. 

During one of her early morning diaper changes on Saturday, I noticed that she seemed extra warm, so we took her temperature. She was at 100.8. When we left the hospital after her birth, we were told that we would need to come in if her temp was ever above 100.4. So off to the hospital we went. 

I was honestly thinking it would be a quick visit and they'd send us off with some Tylenol. Nope. Since she was just shy of being a month old, it pretty much meant an automatic 48 hour stay. They started off with a urine sample, blood sample, spinal tap, and chest X-ray. Luckily, everything was normal, other than the X-ray showing what could be a virus. Since the test results all appear to be negative, we should be headed home this morning to battle a virus with some Tylenol. 

Since we were cooped up all weekend, I never got around to taking some cute one month photos. Maybe if I have the energy today, I'll get around to taking some. I foresee lots of nap time though. Those hospital bed/chairs aren't exactly the comfiest. 

I do have some random iPhone/iPad photos though.. 


  1. Poor baby! This reminds me so much of when my Little Miss was in the hospital for the same thing. Trying to swaddle her with the IV was so hard. :( So glad she doesn't have anything serious, and hope you get some sleep soon!!!

  2. I hope she gets better soon! I can't believe they do a spinal tap on a newborn.

  3. Poor thing, I really hope you all get to go home today.

  4. Poor girl! So glad it's nothing more than a virus. How scary though!

  5. Poor thing! The same thing happened to my youngest when she was 3 weeks old. I hated the spinal tap. They wouldn't let me watch, but they said she was a champ. She also had a virus that took a few weeks to completely disappear. I am glad you are heading home!

  6. Awww, look at that little precious girl! Totally giving me flashbacks to when Avalon was in the hospital with a fever. I was a mess for those four days (with the boys in there with me) haha. I hope she is doing better, and that you guys get out of there today!

  7. Poor baby! Glad all is well! And congrats. I haven't been around for a while and wanted to say welcome to your new little one!!

  8. Poor thing! Glad that she seems okay though. Evelyn had to spend a night in the NICU when she was two months old. It is definitely no fun.

  9. That is heartbreaking! I'm glad she's ok.

  10. Aw poor little love! Glad she's ok and I hope she starts feeling better!!

  11. Poor little bunny! I'm glad everything was negative and she starts to feel better soon!

  12. Aww she looks so sad! I hope she is feeling better soon!

  13. so sorry to hear you were in the hospital and I hope all is well now!

  14. I'm sorry to hear that! It is never fun having a sick baby trust me! I know! I'm glad that it's just a virus and it should clear up on it's own.

  15. So sad to see her all bandaged up like that! Glad she is doing better. She is such a cutie!!

  16. Oh nooo! Sweet little thing. I hope she is feeling better now


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