I think everyone knows that buying in bulk is usually cheaper. It doesn't always have to be in massive quantities either. For example, at the commissary the other day, I was in the mac & cheese aisle. The lady in front of me picked up three boxes at $1.25 each. Sitting right next to it, was a four-pack of the same exact product for $3.79. So, pretty much a free box. I cringed, grabbed my four-pack (these kids eat mac & cheese like it's their job), and kept on walking.
I've become the crazy person that stands there comparing each product's price per ounce. When I used to do my shopping at Walmart, it meant that usually, I would end up with the store brand product. Never really an issue for me, since I don't have a brand loyalty for most products. Plus, a majority of the time, the store brand and the name brand item are the same exact thing in different packaging. Now though, I feel like a grandma, because I stand there and compare every. single. product.
During class one day, the professor told us that he always checked out what other shoppers had in their carts, to see if they were doing decent job saving money and buying the best deal. At the time, I thought he was a total creep. Seriously, who the hell does that?! Five years later, I do the same exact thing.
Anyone else crazy when it comes to grocery shopping or is it just me?