Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Secret Weapon

This evening I discovered a fantastic iPhone app to assist with keeping V under control. Since Hubs isn't here to help out with tantrums, I have enlisted Santa's help instead. I have no idea where she even learned about Santa, because I don't talk about him, but V is deathly afraid to end up on his naughty list. Santa's Magic Phone Call is going to help me finish the year with my sanity and two living children.

The first time I threatened to call, she ended up in tears. Oops. Bad mom. But it worked! If she starts acting up, I just pull the Santa card, and like magic I have a little angel again. At least temporarily.

With this app Santa calls and warns about being put on the naughty list and you're able to choose a variety of reasons why. There are also options for if you have well behaved children. It's cute because it's meant to look like FaceTime, which we do all the time with my parents. V can also call Santa herself and he asks and records what she wants for Christmas. Tonight she called and asked for a "kintar" three times. The best thing about this app though is that it's free! Unlike the Elmo app that I paid for and hardly came with anything, this app has a bunch of fun features.

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  1. This is too funny! I will have to tell my sister about it. :)

  2. This is cute! I'm sure all the kids will straighten up so that you wont tell Santa on them. lol. I'm one of your newest followers and I'm also a Military Spouse. I would love for you to check my blog out!

  3. That is freaking awesome! Downloaded and done!


  4. How cute is that app?
    Love it.
    And I wanted to say THANK YOU! for my amazing secret santa gifts - my dog could not love more the pajamas! You are too sweet! Thank you!
    Merry Christmas!!! <3


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