Friday, September 12, 2014

8 Weeks Postpartum

This is that blog post where I strip down and show off my post-baby body and all of the progress I have or haven't made since giving birth exactly eight weeks ago. Well, it was supposed to be.. I just plugged my SD card into the computer to upload the images, and I'm definitely not sharing. There is plenty of work to be done before that can happen.

Yesterday, I did finally start that process. I joined a friend at a work out group that I've been wanting to join for a while. Sort of like a Stroller Strides, but not. I had seen a flier when I was still pregnant and told myself that I wanted to join. It's a good thing my friend was already going though, or I would have chickened out. The anxiety leading up to my first workout was ridiculous.

Now that my first class is over, I feel much better. Except for my legs. Those are like jello.. Juli cried for a good portion of the class and eventually one of the ladies came over and picked her up. Unless she's sleeping, she hates not being held! It can become a bit of a pain sometimes. I'm hoping that the next class goes a little bit better for her.

So.. For now I won't be posting a body photo. In an effort not to bore you, I only plan on doing these postpartum fitness every four weeks, sort of like my bumpdates. Maybe after I've made some progress, I'll feel comfortable sharing the before picture. For now, enjoy some post-bath baby shots.

my sweet little girl

Baby Juliana

Be sure to come back next week! Bring your baby safety tips, because on Monday, I'm co-hosting a baby safety linkup and giveaway. On Wednesday, I'll be giving away two of those state-shaped picture frames that were awfully popular on Instagram.


  1. It's only been 8 weeks! Give yourself some credit! You pushed a child out of your hoo-haa and are a mama of 3 littles. All in good time, my friend.
    She is adorable though! Seriously one of the cutest babies on my blogroll and newsfeed.

  2. I know you look fantastic, but I agree with Amanda. No matter what you are a mama to 3 precious girls. :)

  3. Ahh she's really filling out great! She's beautiful. And you are too, Mama!

  4. You already look great! What day is the stroller link up? I may join you!

  5. You looked great when you were about to pop, so you'll still look great. And Juli's already looking like Adri and V!


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