Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Just Started Typing

It wasn't that long ago that I was hating Tuesdays. I still have to wake up earlier than usual to get the girls ready for school, but since I'm no longer doing gymnastics after preschool drop off, my day goes much more smoothly. Last week was the first Tuesday since Juliana was born that it was just her and I running the errands. It wasn't perfect, but I'll take whipping a boob out in the middle of the commissary over chasing a cranky toddler between beams and bars.

I wish I could say the boob thing was an exaggeration, but sadly it's not. As we were searching for the perfect tomatoes for BLTs last week, Juli started getting irritated. I tried to calm her in her carrier, but nothing I did seemed to work. In an effort to not be that mom with the screaming kid (although the store was pleasantly empty at 8:30 am) I took her out of the wrap and carried her in my arms. Didn't help. Five aisles later, I decided I was going to have to feed her if I wanted her to be quiet. I slipped her back into the wrap and let her go to town. Surprisingly, it wasn't nearly as terrifying as I was expecting. No crazy looks from strangers, and she just nursed while I shopped.

Today, I'll probably nurse in the car before heading in. I spent the weekend planning the menu and putting together the perfect shopping list, so hopefully it's a quick trip. I can only hope.

Speaking of planning, am I totally crazy for already having my Thanksgiving menu planned out? It started with dinner last night. I was stacking dirty dishes and I really looked how one plate looked on top of a larger plate. Which led me to thinking about how the bowl would look on top of that, and how perfect it would be filled with soup for Thanksgiving dinner. From there, my mind took off and the menu was planned. I was even trying to figure out what I would cook extras of so that I could drop off dinner for the MPs working at the gates. And how each gate is going to get their own pie. Yep. I've officially lost it.


  1. As the judgmental childless woman, I would much prefer to see a mother nursing than a screaming child. I was in Michael's yesterday, and literally the loudest child in the whole freaking world was there. Someone never learned about inside voices.

  2. I really want to plan my thanksgiving dinner haha we will be in our new place so I'm excited!

  3. lol like Lisa, I'll take a nursing mom over a screaming child any day of the week ;)

    And you're not crazy. I haven't planned the dinner (because my husband is the one that's in charge of that) but I've got all of my crafting planned out - I may or may not have started on my halloween crafting yesterday haha

  4. Oh my goodness....Thanksgiving? I can't even wrap my head around Halloween costumes yet. haha! But I think that is a sweet idea with the pies.

    And nurse anytime, anywhere I say. Baby's gotta eat and be happy :)

  5. I nurse everywhere and anywhere. I've only gotten ugly looks once from an old man when we were at a restaurant.

  6. I was going to say that Thanksgiving isn't that far away... and then I realized that American Thanksgiving isn't until November. We celebrate it in October here in Canada so I was reading this panicking that I haven't started planning my dinner yet lol. Good for you for nursing while shopping - what type of carrier do you use?

  7. I'm kind of happy that I'm not the only one who plans Thanksgiving dinner so far in advance. Hey it's the best meal of the year, right! And I think it's super sweet that you're taking pie to the MP's at the gates.

  8. You go, girlfriend! I call it skills, when you can nurse and walk at the same time. I don't have any kids yet, so I could be talking out of my a**, but you just gotta do, what you gotta do. And Thanksgiving will be here in no time, I'm not sure what we're going to do or if the mister will even be here.

  9. Oh man, Thanksgiving! I don't know what I want to do for this year. We usually go to family's houses ... but husband is working this year. Which means he'll want a meal too, so I'll have to cook the next day/weekend, anyways. Props to you for already planning it out!

  10. Thanksgiving is my fav holiday! But I'm focussing on Halloween and sewing costumes for now!


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