Friday, July 27, 2012

United Through Reading - Staying Connected Through Deployment

When I got home yesterday evening there was a large USPS flat rate box waiting for me at the door. I thought it was a bit odd since my mom usually lets me know when she is sending a package. Could it have been one of Hubster's care packages that got returned? As I walked up the walkway, I noticed that it wasn't one of the boxes that I sent since I usually put a little decoration on the outside. It was a care package for me from my Hubs! When I get packages from Hubster the first thing I always do is see what the customs form says. This one said "children's books", which could only mean one thing... United Through Reading!!!

Crappy picture, I know.. I need to upload the stuff from my camera

United Through Reading is a program in partnership with the USO that allows service members to record themselves reading a book and then send that recording and the book back home. I love love love this program! Especially since Hubs was always the big reader in the house and would always read to the girls. V loves to watch "papa's movies" and I love being able to watch my hubba bubba anytime I want. Especially since it's been a very long time since we've been able to Skype.

I was first made aware of this program through another spouse in Hubster's unit who had used it while she was deployed to Iraq. Immediately I started looking into and trying to find out more info. This program is already available at several overseas locations as well as at sea homeports and land-based USO locations. It turns out that they didn't have it at the FOB that Hubs was going to. Well, let me tell you, they were going to have it by the time he got there..!

I got with Hubs' commander so that we could work towards making it happen. It was actually a pretty easy process. The boss man did most of the work and I found an FRG volunteer to take over as a liaison. The USO provides all of the materials (camera, DVDs, books, mailing package) and it's completely free! It took a little while for the unit to get everything set up over there because of space/locations and all that but it happened!

And here is a tip for those of you who may be using this program in the near future.. The disk records for half an hour. If your Soldier finishes reading before that, they can keep talking and send personal messages home.


  1. Awesome program!! I have never heard of it before, thank you for sharing. Would love to get involved with this for the Marine Corps! -Mia

  2. That's an awesome program! I'm going to share this with my girlfriends on FB!


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