Monday, October 14, 2013

Our STL Weekend

Since we were in St. Louis on Friday to drop off our car, we decided to make a weekend out of it. St. Louis is about a two hour drive from Fort Leonard Wood, which makes it a bit much of a trip to do back and forth in a day. At least for me. I hate driving.

Luckily for us, one of our best friends from Georgia had to be in town for business, so we made it a whole Army family reunion. It was our second time getting together in St. Louis, the first being the 4th of July. This time we were determined to visit all of the hot touristy spots that we didn't make it to the first time.

Saturday morning was spent at the City Museum and Aquarium. I was disappointed, because it ended up only being a giant indoor/outdoor playground, rather than an actual museum. Had I known, we wouldn't have spent $17 a person. V doesn't like slides or caves, and Adri is too small to do that sort of thing. For older kids, it would have been a blast, but a children's museum is what I was hoping for, and this certainly wasn't it.

In the afternoon we had a late lunch, followed by nap time, and some drinking by the adults in the evening. We switched our original rooms to adjoining ones, which ended up being SO much fun.

On Sunday everyone met up at the Zoo after breakfast. Visiting the St. Louis zoo was one of my summer bucket list items, so I guess we can cross that one off now. Everyone raves about the zoo, and I have to say I agree with all of the hype. We spent the entire day there without getting bored or running out of things to look at. The girls were able to pet bunnies and brush goats. Unlike the zoo back home in Miami, all of the animal exhibits were close to one another, and the animals all looked alive.

Today will be spent cleaning like a mad woman! There is tons of laundry that needs to be done before they come to take everything away tomorrow. I can't believe we'll be leaving Missouri on Friday!

I apologize for not keeping up with your blogs, once everything calms down this weekend, and we make it to Florida, I'll get back on track!

Love, Alex

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  1. What a great mini trip!! The zoo looks like so much fun.

  2. This post makes me so happy! I love seeing my town through other people's eyes :) I'm sorry about the City Museum - it's definitely awesome for the older kids! Glad the Zoo made up for it!

  3. What a fun weekend you had! I love the photos.

  4. Great pictures! So glad you had a great weekend! Good luck with the move and safe travels!

  5. I'm sad you didn't like the City Museum, but you are right in that it's not really a museum. The zoo is awesome though and it's free!

  6. OMG! Home, sniff sniff. This is where we are from. We actually had our wedding reception in the city museum. Imagine a bunch of drunk Marines sliding down the three story slide! Wish id know, and I could have pointed you in some good directions.

  7. I was pleasantly surprised at how awesome the zoo is when I moved to STL -- and that it's free! Your girls are beyond adorable, and that picture with the monkey (ape?) is fantastic!


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