Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fun-Filled Weekend

Because of my little announcement yesterday, my weekend post is coming a day late. The drab weather finally let up (for the most part), and we were able to enjoy a nice weekend out and about in Hawaii. The weather has been crappy just about every weekend lately, and staying home has gotten extremely old.

Saturday afternoon started out with a trip to a local food truck rally. The food truck thing really took off in Miami just after we moved away, which has left me intrigued by it since then. I finally had my chance to go! This group hosts monthly food truck get togethers, but they're always in Honolulu, and that seems like a far drive just for food. Luckily, this one was 10 minutes away and it was bacon themed.

I was a little let down that not everyone stuck to the bacon theme, but I was still blown away by all of the varieties of food that were available! There was a Puerto Rican inspired truck that even had bacon empanadas. Holy yum! We walked the entire venue along with some of Hubster's work boyfriends, sampling treats along the way, but since the weather decided not to cooperate, we headed out.

NOT bacon flavored ice cream

Bacon mac & cheese wontons

Waffle dog topped with bacon, cheese & possibly syrup
The rendezvous location was boyfriend #3's house not too far away. The boys drank beers outside, the girls chatted inside, and the kids played and watched TV. In the evening, there was a man-date, and the girls continued to hangout for a little longer.

Sunday was a beach day that Caesar got to tag along on. One of the boy friends live literally across the street from the ocean, and part of the beach there has a dog section. I was afraid to let Caesar off of his leash, and according to the law, you're not suppose to anyway. Plenty of other dogs were, but since my big guy hasn't interacted with anyone lately, I was afraid of him taking off, and not listening. He did well, so maybe next time. If we do a next time.

My sweet boy wasn't a huge fan of the water and definitely wasn't feeling the waves. He had no problem hanging out in the sand and digging huge holes. The other dog that we were with (with no leash) had a great time running into the ocean to fetch a toy. If only my puppy liked the water. Still had a blast though! No little dogs were mauled which made the experience even better.

Love, Alex

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  1. Bacon empanadas?! YUM! The beach we go to allows dogs and I wanna take Diego but sometimes he's the worst listener.

  2. Oh all that bacon, yum!! haha!

  3. Boyfriends? Haha. I always joke that the other woman in Mac's life is the Army.

  4. We missed the food trucks. :( Maybe next time!

  5. I had to scroll through your bacon photos REALLY quick-like because they were making me DROOL! Omg I would have gained 10lbs that day alone if I'd been there. Please be sure to eat some for me the next time you go.


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