Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Mornings

Monday mornings around these parts aren't the prettiest. I mean yeah, it's Monday, which means John has to go back to work and I'm on my own at home with the three girls. But really, Mondays are pretty ugly.

Ya see, I tend not to do too much cleaning over the weekend. Since Hubster is home, we try to spend time doing stuff or going places together. A lot of the time, our time is spent on the couch watching TV, but it's together. No interruptions for dishes or any of that boring stuff. Dishes pile up, the dog hair piles up, Adri's pants are scattered all over the place. And it all gets left until Monday morning.

So, this morning, I'll do my usual Monday morning cleaning routine in order to get the house back in shape for the week. I contemplated sharing a photo of the kitchen, but it's bad. Instead, I'll share a few shots from our weekend.

Side note: I make pretty people (:

How was your weekend?!


  1. You definitely do make pretty people! So jealous of your's a warm and toasty 42 degrees here this morning!

  2. You definitely make beautiful people!! And goodness -- V looks so much older in those pictures! We do the same thing on days off -- the house becomes a war zone! Granted, with two kids, its never pristine ... but you know how it is!

  3. I can relate! We had such a relaxing weekend, thank goodness! I don't think we have another weekend with 0 plans until well into 2015!

  4. Uggghhh it was 38 degrees when I took Emma to school this morning. Serious weather envy over here!

  5. I understand. By Monday, my house looks pretty bad. I'm jealous of your warmth!

  6. You guys do make pretty people. And man, the weekend is the time when we tackle the mess that happens through the week! The week is hectic with both of us busy with school and work, the kids nuts, and our schedules are insane. The weekend is when we take care of all the boring chores...... but our house always is a pit these days. I try to tell myself it doesn't matter ;)

  7. This is exactly what my Monday's are like. The house is destroyed from the weekend, piles of laundry and dishes. But weekends are for fun in what I tell myself. haha!

  8. Mondays are the worst! But at least this one is over and we are one day closer to next weekend!

  9. That yellow swimsuit with that blue water! Oh my goodness!! What gorgeous girls you have!

  10. I spend my Monday cleaning up after the weekend, too! I'm like you, we like to do cool things on the weekend!!! Looks like yall had fun!!


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