Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Traveling With Toddlers: Roadtrip

Tomorrow is going to be quite the day for my girls and I. We'll be on the road for a total of about 10 hours. Usually I have some one drive with me when we drive long distances, so it'll be the first time that it's just the three of us. Normally I count on my co-pilot to pick up dropped sippy cups and switch the DVDs in the player, but this time all of that falls on me. I'm excited and nervous to make the trip alone.

In the morning we'll be waking up a little earlier than usual to head to Parris Island for my brother-in-law's graduation (BTW, I'm so proud of him! He's the honor grad from his Company). It's about an hour and 15 minutes north of us so it shouldn't be too bad. After the graduation we'll be driving back down south, picking up the dog and then continuing the seven and a half hours south to Miami.

I've made lists galore to make sure that I don't forget anything, but chances are that I will. Thankfully I'll be stopping by the house before I get on the road for the long haul in case I do forget something. Snacks and lunch for the girls will be portioned in to baggies so that handing it back is simple. I haven't decided how I'm going to work the formula situation for Baby A, so we'll see about that. I have Capri Suns in the freezer to act as ice packs and keep other items cold. The one good thing about not having someone in the passengers seat, is that I'll have everything readily accessible.

I'm considering taking my Cricut and sewing machine down to Miami also, just in case I get bored during the day. Whether or not I take them though depends on how much space I have.

Although a little reluctant, I'm excited to try and do this with the girls. I hope I don't lose my mind. If I learn anything, I'll be sure to share!

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  1. I think you will do great!!! :) Have a great trip.

  2. Sounds like quite the trip! Hope you have smooth sailing :)

  3. I hope you are having a great trip and enjoying graduation!

    Happy Thanksgiving from the Raising Reagan family!



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