At this point I'm weighing in at a whopping 155 pounds. That's just over a 30 pound weight gain. I'm pretty sure I've gained more than I'm supposed to, but I really can't fight my dessert cravings. I've been lucky to avoid any stretch marks up until this point. My maternity clothes seems to annoy me lately, so I've been sticking to dresses or yoga pants with tank tops.
This week, my little one is about the size of a summer squash. She should be around 3.75 pounds and just under 17 inches long. According to my pregnancy app, Juliana now has finger and toe nails along with hair.
Baby J has been extremely active lately. Instead of kicking mostly at bedtime, I've begun to notice her movements more when I'm up and moving around. Oh, and speaking of moving around, I don't like to move around or do anything, really.
Sleep has not been an issue lately. Except for when Adri is in our bed. I'm not joking when I say I would sleep all day if I could. Even though I sleep pretty decently at night, I'm using tired again not too long after waking up.
Next week I get to go to the hospital for a tour of the labor and delivery ward. I could have sworn it was only an online tour now, but I guess not. The following day, I'll be headed back for another ultrasound. They're got to make sure that baby is growing as she should due to the blood pressure concerns and they also need to check if my placenta has moved back far enough to avoid any complications during delivery. If not, it could mean a scheduled c-section. Eek!
Not only am I 32 weeks pregnant today, but I'm also turning 27! Is it sad that I feel like I'm practically 30..?! We really don't have any plans for celebrating. V has a show at school tonight (which I'm rather excited for) and hopefully afterwards we can go out for cake and/or ice cream. Hopefully both.
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