Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 Down, 10 to Go

Hubster hit 10 years in the Army today, which also means that more than likely, he has another 10 to go. I wanted to do a cute little anniversary celebration thing for him tonight but got caught up with appointments and grocery shopping. I'm thinking that tomorrow night I'll do a congratulations, you're over half way to retirement celebration. It's kind of just like counting down deployment time, or reps at the gym. You've already gotten over the hill, so finishing shouldn't be too bad.

I'm proud of Hubs for sticking with the Army. As crappy as it sounds, it's just so convenient for our family. I get to stay home with my babies like I've always wanted, and we aren't hurting for money. We have a roof over our head, and don't have to worry about medical expenses. I do feel guilty when he comes home complaining about equipment though.

So for tomorrow night, I'm not thinking anything crazy, possibly just trying to make those camo cupcakes that are on Pinterest. It shouldn't be too hard.. I hope.

Any cute suggestions that aren't lame? Cupcakes are seriously the only thing I could come up with.

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  1. :P I'm sure there are other things in a different location in the house that he would enjoy. :) Just sayin'. And it's not lame. :P

  2. I don't think it's lame, 10 years is a huge milestone. Kyle is in for the long haul as well and I am perfectly ok with that.:)

  3. Congratulations to the both of you!

  4. My dad did 21 years in the Air Force, and Mac is almost at four. It's great that your husband is sticking it out!

  5. Super cute idea ... I haven't seen camo cupcakes before! Happy 1/2 way to retirement anniversary!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  6. I love this idea, Alex! You come up with the best stuff :) And congrats on the half-way point, that is exciting!

  7. On the 23 we will hit 14 years....I say we because I have been with jim gor all of it. :)

  8. On the 23 we will hit 14 years....I say we because I have been with jim gor all of it. :)

  9. On the 23 we will hit 14 years....I say we because I have been with jim gor all of it. :)


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