Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Ad Bomb & A Free Printable

Was anyone else as distraught as I was when they found out the Passionfruit was going to start charging? In case you're unfamiliar with Passionfruit, it's an ad management site that makes it easy to buy and sell ads for your blog or business. Until recently, it was free to use. The only time you had to pay was if you wanted to purchase ad space, and of course there was the free swap with a promo code option. Not anymore.

Starting September 1, Passionfruit is going to start charging a $9 monthly fee, or you can shell over $50 before then to get access for a year. For some reason I panicked when I saw this. It's not like I have to use Passionfruit. I am fully capable of simply editing a little HTML to add or remove buttons on my own. Plus, I rarely actually sell ads, so I'm mostly missing out on the convenience factor. I could leave swaps up forever and it really wouldn't be a huge deal.

In all honesty, I haven't decided whether or not I want to take the plunge yet. I don't run a huge blog where I constantly have people purchasing ads. I'm super thankful for the ones that have though! I'm curious to know what some of your guys are doing? Have you had luck with selling ads so far, or if you only use it for swaps, will you start paying for the service.

Until I actually figure it out, I've decided to create this sheet to help me really stay up to date with what my sponsors have going on and to try to keep them happy and hopefully coming back. Writing everything down is seriously the only way I can remember. Go ahead and steal if you'd like.

Oh! And in an attempt to find some new sponsors and see if I will be able to maintain a paid account, my ads are ALL 55% off at the moment with the code: PASSION

Check out my fantastic sponsor:


  1. Agree, agree. I freaked out too, and I don't know what I'm going to do. Most of the bloggers I see commenting on Twitter, etc. don't think it's a big deal. But we just had a wedding, and we need a new car, and I don't have a job right now since we'll be PCSing soon. $50 is a lot to us right now! Argh, decisions... decisions...

  2. I didn't even know that kind of service existed haha! Sounds great, though! I just do my own coding and paypal for any paid advertising I do.

  3. Haha I had no idea about this service either, I'm so behind haha.

  4. Wow! I didn't realize they were going to start charging. I wonder how many people will stay! Thanks for the printable!

  5. I will definitely miss the convenience factor. I'm going to offer ad space for free to a bunch of my favorites and just leave it up! I just posted about this change today also!

  6. I don't use Passionfruit but I can see that as being a HUGE pain in the butt! They are going to lose a lot of members by doing that! But I understand they are trying to run a business and that's how you do it. Great printable you made though! I'm sure that will be handy for a lot of blog owners. =]

  7. I actually never had used that before. But I have used free things before and then started to get charged for and was not happy.


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